Saddle Trail (1.0 mi/1.6 km)
Rating: Moderate (short, steep climbs)
Hiking Time: 25 minutes
Elevation Gain: 350 ft.
Trailhead Access: Marine Access - Halibut cove (protected anchorage, mooring buoys), good afternoon pick-up.
Camping: No camping at trailhead; Grewingk Glacier Lake sites.
Water Availability: No water at trailhead; small stream near the junction with Glacier Lake Trail.
Trail Description: Leading over a low ridge between Halibut Cove and the Grewingk Glacier, the trail provides a popular loop with the Glacier Lake Trail. The trail switchbacks through steep, forested terrain and accesses the Alpine Ridge and Lagoon Trails. Cliffs prohibit hiking the beach from the trailhead to the Right Beach Campsite, boat transport is necessary.
Note: Please respect private property near the trailhead.